Monday, August 18, 2014

Three Phases of Flight

August 11, 2014, Monday Day 61

The morning temperature is 58 degrees.

Today I thought I would walk down town and back, to get a little variety.  I used the same walking trail except this time I did not go around the tennis courts, but went straight on the path which takes you by the police station and the old Jail.  Past the tee shirt shops, through Ice Cream Alley and back up to Maverick where I bought some water, as I left the park with out it.

Some things I saw on my walk.

Fountain from the walking path
Walking path to the fountain

I call this the three phases of flight, feathers, wings and jets
Plane crash

That evening we had our traditional HH along with some excellent Lamb Chops and a so, so Red.

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