Sunday, August 31, 2014


August 28, 2014, Thursday Day 78

This morning we are still in a warming mode with 50 degrees to start.

Today is the unofficial beginning of College Football Season, with a couple of games that are of interest.  The aggies play South Carolina in South Carolina, without Johnny Football.  No worries as they killed the Cocks, looks like there will be no missing of JF.  The Boise State Broncos didn't make out so well. They were okay for three quarters and then it happened.  People in the RV park are avid Boise State fans, the even had a watch party in the main lodge, it did not last very long.

In the evening it was the last scramble at Jug Mountain.  Steve and I were paired with Tracy and Joe. Tracy was a player and could it a long accurate ball and Joe made a terrific putt.  We ended up five under and tied for first with two other teams.  A good way to end.

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