Saturday, August 2, 2014

Happy Birthday, Gretchen

August 1, 2014 Day 51

The temperature was 58 this morning.

Today is Gretchen's birthday, today is the first day of her 50th year.  She and Matthew are traveling to Seattle.

I did a short walk this morning which included a stop by the Office to pay our rent for the month of August as well as the utilities we used during the month of July.

Back at the RV we had a burned out florescent bulb that I replaced, happened to be our last one.  On the way to lunch we stopped off at ACE and bought another spare as well as some additional Wasp attractant.  Later in the evening I ordered more spares from Amazon as they were about half price of what I paid at ACE.

For lunch we went to Shore Lodge to enjoy the Lake, weather and the food, we were not disappointed.

Today was also the first day of the Wooden Boat Show at the Shore Lodge on Payette Lake.

Golf this evening was at McCall Golf Club.  We had a gaggle of people on the golf course.  Steve and his granddaughter Emerson, Skip and Fred, Ballard and Yougi, as well as Al who joined us getting his exercise, walking 9 holes, not golfing.

Returning to the RV park we had happy hour and inside food, salads, for dinner.

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