Thursday, August 9, 2012

Tennis X two

August 8, 2012, Day 54

Today was tennis day.  In the morning I went with Franz and Skip on our bikes to the High School tennis courts and played with the Monday, Wednesday group, that we only play on Wednesdays.  I would say that it is getting better, but not good yet.  Held serve, won some games, but no sets yet.  I still come home with the black bean.

While I was away, Sharon did some necessary grocery shopping at Riddley's and Paul's, so we should be stocked up for the next week.

In the evening I went to the Tennis Clinic at the High School courts, run by the McCall Tennis Club, mainly Tony Horton.  It was a good session and gives you a lot of time hitting and moving on the courts.  This evening, using the ball machine, we were taking three balls, a ground stroke from the base line, a volley from the service line and a put away from the net.  After you finished you returned to the back of the line for your next turn.  There were only six or seven hitters so your turn came up very quickly.  A very good work out well worth it.

Back at the park Sharon and I had Happy Hour, followed by a grilled chicken salad from the chicken I had grilled last week and some three buck chuck.

Tried to do the blog for yesterday, but got hung up downloading the pictures so I had to finish it this morning along with this one.

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