Sunday, August 12, 2012

Little Rain

August 10, 2012, Day 56

Today was laundry day and Sharon fought her way through all the laundry room obstacles and park people to get the job done, and what a great job it was.

While she was at the laundry wars, it sprinkled for about 5 minutes, just enough to get the truck dirtier that it was.  It was a cooler than normal morning.

For lunch we went to The Pan Cake House, the morning coolness, put me in the mood for a bowl soup and a grilled cheese sandwich, I substituted chili.  We got there at a little after 1 and it was almost empty, which is very unusual for this place.

We golfed in the early evening, with good weekend pricing, as Sharon went along for her weekly golfing experience.  Golf was go, as golf is always good, but not that good.

Happy Hour, Lamb chops on the grill, with a nice red.

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