Sunday, August 19, 2012

Poor Man's Jordan

August 17, 2012, Day 63

Tennis in the morning, road the bikes to the High School courts with Franz and Skip and Franz had arranged for Norm to play with us.  Norm is a retired farmer, 25 years, from the Boise area, raised Hops and sold to the breweries direct and around the world through middle men.  He and his brother share a cabin in McCall, 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off.  It was three good sets and if I can remember right I think I was on the winning side once.

My wifi coupon on the main computer ran out last night so I had to go to the office for a new one that will last another week.  Still a good deal as I can transfer the coupons between devices.  Oh yea, and its free.

Golf in the evening with Skip and Bev for nine holes, played OK, could always be better.  Weather was terrific.

Happy Hour and then Steak on the grill, and it was good.  Paired it with a bottle of Poor Man's Jordan, Chateau St. Michael, which topped off the meal. 

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