Thursday, September 11, 2014


September 10, 2014, Wednesday Day 91

Today was Golf at Cochiti day.

Droop came by and picked me up at 10:00.  As is the custom, Droop and Tom, Tom comes down from Jemez, meet at the Burger King in Bernalillo.  They grab a burger and then drive on to Cochiti.  The one that doesn't drive pays for the Burgers.  Droop drove and paid for the burgers.  We were there early, Tom was there a little later.

We arrived at Cochiti around noon for our 1 PM tee time, we met up with our fourth, Leo.  All four of us went to High School in Los Alamos at the same time.  Leo is the better golfer.

The course and facilities were in excellent shape.  A few years back, it was run down and the course was in bad shape.  They have really brought it back and now it is a really nice place to play golf and enjoy yourself.  After golf we had a nice cold beer and then headed back to Bernalillo and then on to Albuquerque and Nine Mile Hill.  Got back a little after 7 PM, long day.

Sharon and I had Happy Hour, Lamb on the grill and finished up the bottle of TBC.

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