Friday, July 10, 2015

No Jug Scramble Today

July 9, 2015, day 25

54° again this morning. 

Made one of those fresh fruit smoothies with the fresh fruit from the farmers market and it was very good. 

It was wash day once again and Sharon had an appointment with the park laundromat. 

Lunch with Franz and Marcia at the McCall golf club. Nice atmosphere and a good sit down lunch with nice selections and reasonable prices. Not just hot dogs on the fly. 

Came back to the park and decided to look at my tracking number for my registration documents. I found that they were signed for at 10:30 in the morning by Anderson, so thought I would give them a call to see if everything was in order. When I was finally connected with a person, after being number five in the call cue, I was told that they were put in a pile and would probable get looked at in three weeks. Three weeks, I thought I miss heard, I said you mean three days, she said, no, three weeks. She also said that if everything is not in order that they would give me a call and request additional information and put it in a pending file. So much for efficiency from our local government employees. I am trying to comply with the requirement, that you purchase a vehicle out of state and you are a Texas resident you must register your vehicle within 30 days or face penalties or additional fees.  We'll how that goes.

No Jug scramble this evening as Al had a softball game and I couldn't muster up enough effort to go to Jug by myself. 

HH was held, Marcia had to leave a little early to lead line dancing at Foresters. We had dead chicken on the grill and retired for the evening. 

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